Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Finished Pickles, More to Come

I have, so far, finished two batches of pickles. They are beautiful. And they taste really good while canoeing around Lake Union. Three men, one boat, seven hours, four pickles, seven hard-boiled eggs, at least four sunburned thighs, etc. Anyway, the following picture indicates my work in the realm of pickling. I have two further gallons fermenting atop my fridge.

And here is another gallon making its way towards deliciousness (this time with half the salt and fresh jalapenos):

Externally (meaning separate from pickling and concerning the out of doors), this is a picture of our bikes (Anne's and my own) hanging out in Gas Works Park, dwarfed by Kite Hill and the Aurora bridge (second most common bridge for suiciding oneself):

Hope that was enjoyable! Off to a sherry tasting!

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