Saturday, March 31, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

New Literary Adventure


Just got this late birthday present from my dear girlfriend. Exciting!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Bicycle, You Know, Like the Queen Song

I purchased a new bicycle. I tried to hold back until Spring, but the impulse was stronger than was I. It doesn't bother me. What are temptations worth unless you give in from time to time? Nothing. The definition wouldn't exist. So, this is a lot of words to say, I got a bike. A Jamis Quest, 2011, a noble sort of blue, etc. Pictures:

Spring can't come quickly enough. 

Cabbage, Plus Other Things

I had a head of cabbage larger than my head. It was so big, in fact, that it was difficult to fit into any of the drawers of my fridge. One huge green sphere of cabbage. Last night I resolved to use it. All of it. Here is what happened.

So, I took sort of shitty before pictures. Not on purpose as to illustrate how much better they looked afterward, but just because that was the way of the events as they unraveled and I figured that I would put more effort into it and so on. Anyway, you have the beginnings of cole slaw (which I have never before made), braised cabbage and carrot and celery and leeks (which I've played with in some form, I'm sure) and roasted potatoes (salt, pepper, cayenne, garlic powder, nutritional yeast, oil; easy and done countless times to wonderful effect). The following are the more polished looking photos which serve to illustrate the magic of my cooking plus heat.

OK, so I am back. Sort of. It has been awhile as I've been busy. But maybe you will get more than you bargained for. Did you bargain for anything? Nevermind.