Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Burnt Cream, a la Francaise, or Something

Creme Brulee (i.e. Burnt Cream) is a custard, Frenchified and toasted on top with a hand held flame. We made this. By "we," I mean Lucas, and an observing me. Lucas, the Cain that didn't kill his brother, is the non-French French chef that created this masterpiece under the keen observatory eye of I. I will defer to his blog to explain the particulars, but all the same I wanted to highlight my experience of brulee-ing the creme. One day, the first day of the experience, I watched as Lucas separated the egg yolks from the whites, leaving the whites alone from their yolks to be cooked in some other separate dish (a later breakfast sandwich for me two days later), whipped the yellows with sugar until they formed distinct lines, heated the cream with excessive and decadent amounts of vanilla (twice the usual, and rightfully so), mixed the whole mess together, and poured them into their receptacles for refrigeration. The following day the magic happened. Crystallization. The top of sugary glass. The joy on each of our delighted faces. This is an end point. This is a result. I will share pictures illustrating what came of the experience. The rest I will leave to Lucas. Learn the secrets of joy-making at http://beyondthehunger.blogspot.com/. Here are pictures:

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