Thursday, June 30, 2011

Western Spaghetti


And yes, I've been lazy, putting up a bunch of interesting videos instead of some personal invested thought-forms. But I have been busy. Kind of. I will write something interesting soon. Hopefully.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Gary Shteyngart is Funny

Gary Shteyngart writes books. He is from Russia. His latest book is called Super Sad True Love Story. I haven't read it, though I did read his previous book, Absurdistan. I liked that one and I think I would like the new one. The following book trailers for Super Sad True Love Story don't elucidate much about the content of the book. They do, however, show how funny Sheyngart is.

Hope you liked it.

Solstice Celebration in the Rain

Today, moist and gray, was the Solstice Parade in Seattle. Not a parade of tired old men driving SUVs with lazy designs plastered on the sides. No engines at all actually. All floats are required to be powered only by the petroleum-free machinations of the human form. Pushed or pedaled, brilliantly designed, the floats are a celebration of the sun, the day during which we see the most of it (which is actually the 21st). But today that sun didn't come out to be praised. We did it anyway. Further, people get naked. And ride bikes (which I will add after the jump).

Naked bikers after the jump...

Assange in England

House Arrest from Winston Burrows on Vimeo.