Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Musically Inclined and Smelling of Campfire

This past weekend some weary travelers bearing a closed trailer full of instruments rode into town and onto our living room floor. Exhibit A:

They are called Karma Vision. They played two shows in Seattle, one in some hidden hallway between two bars, and the second at a restaurant down the street from us. We went to both shows, Anne and I, and enjoyed them both thoroughly. I recommend that others listen to them as well. Here is their MySpace and Facebook respectively: http://www.myspace.com/karmavisionband; http://www.facebook.com/pages/Karma-Vision/42580729821.


American Economics 101

Unfortunately for half of the country in which we live, life kind of sucks. And, unfortunately, that is by design. Or, at least it would seem so. As we all love a good pie chart, eat it up:

This from an article called "15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth and Inequality in America," shows a sickening trend toward some sort of feudal system we thought we had escaped long ago. We didn't. Look at China. They do feudalism better than any modern-day super power. And all the while the uber-capitalists are damning the spread of socialism (these being those perhaps in that top percentile or even in the following nine). To learn more, go here: Wealth Distribution and Inequality In America.

Music I Ignored Two Years Ago

Well, The National has a new album out, called High Violet, and back when they were impressing everyone two years ago, I was ignoring it. I am very good at that skill. I shined on a certain video the other day and found, within the next two days of watching it, that I had gained some sort of crush upon the band, without my knowing it while it was building up within me. Now, maybe it was merely the effect of the video and the lead singer in the video, a mister Matt Berninger, whose strange little non-committal dance-and-sing act throughout the video was mesmerizing, but I think that I have to get all of their albums, all five of them, and probably illegally. Here is the video:

I hope it is enjoyable, or at least ignorable.